April 1, 2010

10 Government Policy Facing ACFTA

Ten policies measures have been issued by the government in anticipation of ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA). What are these government policies? As a export import company you need to know the policies. 

These ten steps the government issued the policy with due reference to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO):

The first policy is to evaluate and revise all the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) which has expired and is obliged to apply first to the WTO.

The second policy is to streamline the functions of the Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) in dealing with any cases of alleged dumping practices and the provision of direct subsidies by trading partner countries.

The third policy, streamline Indonesian Trade Security Committee (KPPI) functions to cope with surge of imported goods in the domestic market.

The fourth policy, lobby government increase Indonesia's exports to secure from threats such as dumping and subsidies by trading partner countries.

The fifth policy, the government will accelerate the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 5 / 2008 on Focus Economic 2008-2009.

The sixth policy, make tariffs harmonization (BM) for the applicable tariff heading in general so BM for the upstream and downstream products in order to spur investment and competitiveness.

The Seventh policy, streamline tasks and functions of customs officers, including reviewing the possibility of applying the red line for a vulnerable product of illegal smuggling of goods.

The Eighth policy, restrict / prohibit the export of raw materials to meet the need of energy for domestic industries in order to encourage the growth of processing industries in the upper levels while strengthening the competitiveness of local industries.

The Ninth policy, the government will maintain the policy of government regulations (PP) of the Income Tax Facilities for Investment in Areas of Certain Enterprises and the / or in Certain Regions.

The Tenth policy, the government also would continue the policies Permendag No. 56 of 2008 which regulates the entrance of the port restrictions for five specific products, namely footwear, electronic goods, toys, garments, and food and beverages.

Through those policies, government hoped to maintain the harmonization of trade in Indonesia. So that domestic products can not harmed by the ACFTA. (Various source/WTD/MZ)



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