April 1, 2010

Opportunity Product That Will Success in Spain Market

Spain is not an attractive market for the tea and coffee because its import demand is very low. However, recently seen increasing trend. This situation makes products have chance in the Spanish market.

Then how to have coffee and tea products can be accepted in the Spain market? In Spain is very concerned with certified fair trade. According to Euromonitor (2007), decaffeinated coffee consumption is expected to increase in coming years, as is considered more healthy.

Understanding organic coffee and tea included coffee and tea which are not modified genetic and kirnia do not use fertilizers or pesticides, the system of coffee and tea plantations that maintain the natural balance and diversity of products that pertanian.Selain, originality / origin of coffee, with extraordinary characteristics, becomes attractive opportunities for producers in developing countries.

Approximately 70 percent of consumers to consume tea and coffee at home. So that kind of coffee is coffee that is used for filter coffee machines. Roasted coffee beans (espresso) now also more and more consumed, and coffee is also packaged in a disposable package. The same is true for tea, especially pyramid tea bag.

In addition, market segmentation in the European Union in general can also be seen based on geography. In this geographic segmentation may be distinguished on the basis of varieties consumed coffee (Arabica coffee more popular in northern European countries, and the Robusta coffee is more popular in the countries of South European Union).

Market segments can also be seen on the level of consumption of coffee and tea.  For example: the consumption is still very limited in many countries Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the Republic of  Czech, and English and a high level of consumption in countries Scandinavia, the Benelux countries and Germany.

The same is true for tea, where black tea consumption is very many are concentrated in the UK, Ireland, and Poland. Green tea and tea herbal relatively popular in Germany, while the Danish, Belgium, and Austria
experiencing very rapid growth. (WTD / MZ)


10 Government Policy Facing ACFTA

Ten policies measures have been issued by the government in anticipation of ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA). What are these government policies? As a export import company you need to know the policies. 

These ten steps the government issued the policy with due reference to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO):

The first policy is to evaluate and revise all the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) which has expired and is obliged to apply first to the WTO.

The second policy is to streamline the functions of the Anti-Dumping Committee (KADI) in dealing with any cases of alleged dumping practices and the provision of direct subsidies by trading partner countries.

The third policy, streamline Indonesian Trade Security Committee (KPPI) functions to cope with surge of imported goods in the domestic market.

The fourth policy, lobby government increase Indonesia's exports to secure from threats such as dumping and subsidies by trading partner countries.

The fifth policy, the government will accelerate the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 5 / 2008 on Focus Economic 2008-2009.

The sixth policy, make tariffs harmonization (BM) for the applicable tariff heading in general so BM for the upstream and downstream products in order to spur investment and competitiveness.

The Seventh policy, streamline tasks and functions of customs officers, including reviewing the possibility of applying the red line for a vulnerable product of illegal smuggling of goods.

The Eighth policy, restrict / prohibit the export of raw materials to meet the need of energy for domestic industries in order to encourage the growth of processing industries in the upper levels while strengthening the competitiveness of local industries.

The Ninth policy, the government will maintain the policy of government regulations (PP) of the Income Tax Facilities for Investment in Areas of Certain Enterprises and the / or in Certain Regions.

The Tenth policy, the government also would continue the policies Permendag No. 56 of 2008 which regulates the entrance of the port restrictions for five specific products, namely footwear, electronic goods, toys, garments, and food and beverages.

Through those policies, government hoped to maintain the harmonization of trade in Indonesia. So that domestic products can not harmed by the ACFTA. (Various source/WTD/MZ)


February 3, 2010

Produsen Ban Sponsori Persib – Pieter Tanuri

BANDUNG – Seiring prestasi Bandung yang sedang mebubung, sponsor pun mulai berdatangan. Kemarin, PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat (PBB) yang notabene pengelola "Tim Maung Bandung" menerima satu lagi sponsor pendukung menjelang putaran kedua.

Untuk kali ini sebuah produk ban merk Corsa menyatakan siap membantu pendanaan Persib. Jalinan kerja sama ini akan berlangsung selama tiga musim. Tapi, tidak menutup kemungkinan jika di musim ini Persib berhasil menjadi juara, PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk sebagai produsen Corsa akan terus mendukung selama Persib berkiprah di Indonesia Super League (IPL).

"Kami pilih Persib sebagai mitra karena sangat cocok untuk media promosi produk kami. Persib kami pilih karena memiliki pendukung yang sangat besar dan terbukti di setiap pertandingan ribuan orang pasti dating ke stadion. Ini yang menjadi pertimbangan kami," ujar Pieter Tanuri, Presiden Direktur PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk di sela sela peresmian kerja sama Corsa dan Persib di Café Persib, Jalan Sulanjana, Bandung, kemarin.

Sebetulnya, jalinan kerja sama anatara Corsa dan Persib sudah berlangsung sebelum ISL 2009/2010 bergulir. Tapi, pada saat itu Corsa hanya bertindak sebagai sponsor Persib di ajang Piala Gubernur Jawa Timur. Kini, setelah prestasi Persib mulai kelihatan, Corsa pun siap mendukung secara total. "kami berharap Persib bias juara di akhir musim nanti," Public Relation PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk, M. Zein Saleh, menambahkan.

Sayangnya, pihak Corsa tak mau menyebut nominal uang yang serahkan untuk menandai Persib. Tapi, Corsa merupakan perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Konsorsium Pendukung Persib. "Yang pasti, Persib terus hidup bersama Corsa dan kami akan mendukungnya," kata Zein. "Dengan dukungan Corsa kmai tidak terlalu kelabakan mencari sumber dana tambahan. Saya sangat bersyukur karena masuknya sponsor semakin membuat kami optimis bias terus hidup tanpa bantuan dana APBD," ujar Direktur PT PBB, Umuh Munchtar. *rif

Sumber: TopSkor, Kamis 28 Januari 2010.


October 2, 2009

Analyze Case: Why Zipcar Business Success

Zipcar is one example of a company reach success in the New Wave era. Based on observations that wrote by Marketing Expert Indonesia, Hermawan Kartajaya in www.kompas.com, the case reminds us that maybe there are two key words to win the competition in the New Wave era, the connector and community.

They are connecting through the hub provided a platform for the community, so as to appear more attractive in the competition. Plus the ability of this company make customer community. But whether this is enough bring Zipcar becoming successful? There are three things that make Zipcar success.

  • First, there is on the pricing model that gives benefits to Zipcar member ; (1) fixed costs at the time a member of: the annual cost of about $ 50 plus $ 25 for the application and (2) variable costs while driving: that is about $ 10 per hour (depending on the model of car chosen). All of which already includes gasoline and insurance.
  • Second, the low-cost strategy. Can be seen that it offered a low-price. But the low price strategy will not be sustainable if not supported by the low-cost strategy. To continue to manage the operational costs is a challenge for them.
    For example, the number of vehicles increases automatically when the company grow so that rents continue to rise. Plus fuel prices go up and down a threat to economic stability of the company. How they handle this is to increase the number of members thus achieving economies of scale is more solid.

    From the operational side, can also be seen that their success is supported by the use of sophisticated IT systems but easy to use. For example, each member has a card called Zipcard. This card is inspired by the ATM cards, certainly not to withdraw money, but to pull the door handle Zipcar vehicle 6000.

    Of course not arbitrary because the members must first make reservations via the Internet, phone or iPhone and Blackberry application. Each car is also equipped with GPS navigation to track down the stolen car.

    One thing that might amaze is their achievement in terms of marketing costs are relatively low at between $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 per month. Marketing strategies that low-budget-high impact research was achieved by 30% to 40% through word-of-mouth, 25% through publicity in the media, and the rest through guerrilla communications made by their marketing team.
  • Third, that can explain the success that is now Zipcar car-sharing company in the world is his marketing orientation tangible community. One thing that raised the company from the business side is ultimately the members, who called Zipsters.

    Zipcar's success in building as a key community liaison and is supported by the company philosophy which is horizontal and entrenched. DNA from early Zipcar seen as a project vehicle ownership creating a convincing alternative to millions of urban communities to abandon their private vehicles to create a green and sustainable planet.

    Thus, it can be seen the company has social mission, not just convenience and enjoyable experience in the members own and use vehicles. Because as explained above, this business requires the right economies of scale.
    (source: www.kompas.com/WTD/MZ)


Value of Batik Business

Batik became one of the important economic pillar that able to open jobs in large numbers. Batik business as a economic empowerment.

According to Museum Curator Batik Yogyakarta, Prayoga through Kompas, Indonesian batik has a uniqueness that is not found in other countries. The uniqueness lies in the use of night or a mixture of a beehive, animal fats and plant sap in the making. This is different from the fabric pattern making techniques from China or Japan that uses candles.

Employers need to develop innovations in batik process in terms of fashion, colors and pattern. According President Director of Batik Keris, Hardianto Tjokrosaputro through Kompas, preserving the national culture with batik is not necessarily as same as batik design decades ago.

Models of batik now has many variety, there is a formal way: blouse and shirt. For a semi-formal dress accented with a rope or fringe at the waist and there is also negligee as a lot of bed clothing. Batik is no longer monotone as before, that makes batik preferred.

According to www.ikaittsttt.org, in mid-2008, Batik Solo in the wholesale market batik Klewer suddenly to its market value. This is due to start shift Solo batik habit of official or formal clothing to everyday clothing. Even in some offices, employees must wear batik.

Profit can be obtained between Rp 4000-15000 for each piece. This nominal of profit maybe not very high, but if we are able to sell up to 100 pieces a day then earned a profit of Rp 800,000 (calculated on average profit Rp 8000). Some sellers doing direct selling in real estate to get double profit to reach 2-3 times the capital. So used as inspiration batik in starting a business.(WTD/MZ)


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