April 1, 2010

Opportunity Product That Will Success in Spain Market

Spain is not an attractive market for the tea and coffee because its import demand is very low. However, recently seen increasing trend. This situation makes products have chance in the Spanish market.

Then how to have coffee and tea products can be accepted in the Spain market? In Spain is very concerned with certified fair trade. According to Euromonitor (2007), decaffeinated coffee consumption is expected to increase in coming years, as is considered more healthy.

Understanding organic coffee and tea included coffee and tea which are not modified genetic and kirnia do not use fertilizers or pesticides, the system of coffee and tea plantations that maintain the natural balance and diversity of products that pertanian.Selain, originality / origin of coffee, with extraordinary characteristics, becomes attractive opportunities for producers in developing countries.

Approximately 70 percent of consumers to consume tea and coffee at home. So that kind of coffee is coffee that is used for filter coffee machines. Roasted coffee beans (espresso) now also more and more consumed, and coffee is also packaged in a disposable package. The same is true for tea, especially pyramid tea bag.

In addition, market segmentation in the European Union in general can also be seen based on geography. In this geographic segmentation may be distinguished on the basis of varieties consumed coffee (Arabica coffee more popular in northern European countries, and the Robusta coffee is more popular in the countries of South European Union).

Market segments can also be seen on the level of consumption of coffee and tea.  For example: the consumption is still very limited in many countries Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the Republic of  Czech, and English and a high level of consumption in countries Scandinavia, the Benelux countries and Germany.

The same is true for tea, where black tea consumption is very many are concentrated in the UK, Ireland, and Poland. Green tea and tea herbal relatively popular in Germany, while the Danish, Belgium, and Austria
experiencing very rapid growth. (WTD / MZ)


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